Sep 7, 2007


Next day we headed off to the beach at Muine - a small fishing village famous for making fish sauce. This stuff makes the whole town stink!

We were so excited when we arrivedwith huge eyes and grins just imagining the refreshing beach. ahhh. cool water (o:

So we had a real quick lunch, checked in at a guesthouse ($1.75ea for a room with a T.V, air con, two fans, nice as bathroom etc) and then we cruised to the beach.

What did we see? Pollution everywhere! But we figured screw it, the water still looks cool and we were melting with our sweat showing signs of sweating itself. So we jumped in amongst the plastic bags and other floating debris with our dive masks, shove our heads under water and are hit by a layer of fish. I was like, "Awesome! Look at all the fish!".

Then I noticed they were all floating upside down. Sleeping maybe? All the marine life in Vietnam pretty much seems to be sleeping...

We figured it was pollution but i think it is actually from the fisherman as we later saw them drying dead little fish all along the shore edge - but the water is still real bad. Didn't manage a photo of it but I'll explain why soon.

So we're swimming in the water laughing about how crap it is and then a group of jellyfish stung me! Covered my back, my arm and my nipple in big red marks and lines. So we pissed off out of there pretty quick and went back for a shower because of the pollution. Conrad later got the squirts and we reckon it was from the water too.

Jelly fish marks. Weird huh? Except for the clear line on my arm, they were like blotches...

So pretty dissapointed, we hired bikes for two days and went for a ride that night. That was pretty cool. Then we slept and dreamt about how cool the next day was going to be...

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