Sep 6, 2007


Sawat dii krup everyone!

We're now in Karabi and it was another 'best day so far!' After a 15hour bus ride down from Bangkok - had air conditioning and it was made with some mates from Otago uni - met by chance on the bus) so it was a good trip.

Missed some days haven't I? Around Ayutthaya? Oh well, we'll fill them in soon...

Anyways, so today we got up (as you do) - or actually we didn't because we were already up on the bus! Goh i'm a moron sometimes!

So we finished the bus ride and arrived in Karabi. All i wanted to do was hit the beaches - grab a hammock, set up on the beach, grab a cool drink and chill. Then swim and snorkel and soak up the atmosphere and the sun. When we arrived we got a taxi to this backpackers (we're travelling with this dutch guy Sjiord at the moment too) and from there went to find a beach (namely Ao nang). We grabbed a quick breakfast (curry - was yuck as and full of like chicken gristle. back to Pa Thai for me!) then decided to hire a motorbike for the day (o: best decision ever!

So we grab some bikes for like $4 kiwi for the day (until 9pm) and go cruising. Now i've never ridden a motorbike, don't have a drivers license and wouldn't really have a clue about road rules and especially not in another country! Within the first 5 minutes i was snaking down the road after taking a corner too quick and gunning it on some gravel - bad decision!. Recovered though and from there it was smooth sailing! We travelled everywhere. For like $2 you get enough fuel for a day of constant riding. And we're hitting these streets at over a 100km/h (up to 130km/h) and you just zip between lanes, ignore red lights, undertake etc. Friggin awesome!!! Man I loved it. Can't wait to get a motorbike now! (see blog photos - "motorbikes")

So on the bikes...

First place we hit it was the liquor store. We finally got all... nah. First place we hit was Ao Nang. this was after like an hour and a half of just cruising around being 'lost' but i don't think any of us cared. Man bikes are fun! So we finally reached the beach. Beautiful blue water (and sky) and white beaches with little islands just a few hundred metres off shore. Moment we hit the beach we ran down to cool off in the crisp, refreshing, rehydrating ocean. Ahh, wrong. Walked in to the water (jo frolicked) and it was like a bath. A bloody hot bath. Like say if you'd forgotten to turn the cold tap on. It was crazy (or maybe not that hot but it was like a spa!). We swam around for a bit, cruised out to the islands and had a snorkel. Wasn't too much going on though. heaps of little fish, couple of big ones, one yellow one and a sea slug. Wahooo?

So tomorrow we are heading to Ko pee pee. (ko means island - ko tao, ko bamboo etc) It is surrounded by a marine reserve and has awesome climbing and diving spots. the NZ embassy girl told us it is an awesome place for teenagers like us?...? Cool? But when we arrive we're going to set up for a week and chill with the hammocks and drinks and get to know the locals some more. That;s what i've wanted this whole time! Awesome beach holiday!

Mmmm. So pretty much the whole of today not spent at the beach was spent on the bikes. And we'll spend a lot more too cause did i mention, it was AWESOME!

We also hit a couple of dirt roads off the main road out into the bush to see what was there. Beautiful forest and great views when we climbed this hill thing. We also road all the back streets and saw some real Thailand of where people live.

Dinner today was at the street market - fried noodles, chicken with bean sauce and a coconut fruit smoothy for me and a fried noodle and pork with an iced coffee for Jo. Great spelling at the stall too. there was "Sguid" "Vegetrables" and i don't know. Other cool ones. My mind's a blank (o:

Mmm. Incentive to write these things falls fast.Ok, will write more later. Otherwise all is well. No sickness, no robberies (did leave my travel towel at the bus station - sorry Erin! But we're back in two weeks so i'll pick it up then) and no scams yet.

Oooh. But the mates from uni - 2 guys and a chick - went to get a Thai massage. Dave came out and asked Conrad. "Were you naked too?". Turned out Conrad had his in his boxers, Alexi was fully clothed and Dave had started in his boxers but his masseuse had ripped them off him when they were oiling him up. He'd just figured this was normal. But the funniest thing is that Conrad and Alexi had chick masseurs but Dave had a gay Thai dude. Mahaha.

They also saw the 'ping pong' show which was a rip and cost them like $20 to drink a beer and see nothing.

Anyways, my time is up and I'm off to bed as we're up early tomorrow and off to hit the real beaches and night life.

Night everyone,

Hope everyone is enjoying everything and if you go travelling, don't forget to write!


Oh yeah, and motorbikes are AWESOME!!!

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