Sep 6, 2007

Cooler than Vanilla Ice

On our last day in Pai, J and I went on a mission to visit Burma. To make it across the border for a photo before heading off to Chiang mai.

The drive there must have risen and dropped 1000's of metres in altitude over and over. These hills were intense. Cold too. A yeti would have given off a slight shiver I reckon. We were above the cloud line at times driving through the mountain mist and drizzle covered in goose bumps and for once wishing for warmth.

To make matters even more awesome, we were low on fuel. Like below empty. Our bike just drank it like no man's buisness. But we made it to the top and then had to coast down the other side to make it to a local petrol station just when it ran out. I was not looking forward to pushing the bike up those hills!

J drove like a madman (we shared a bike to half costs), swinging into the corners and "testing the tyres" as he put it but it was sadly, in the end, all in vain. The intense time restraint we were fighting against - the bike was due back by 2pm - was just too much. We had to cover about 260kms to cover in 5hrs. Sounds reasonable but as I mentioned, the hills were crazy and we've only got like 60cc pushing each of us along (o:

Later we learnt that there was a short cut we'd driven right past! Haaha, we could have made it after all. Still, it was more fun than the waterfalls and the rest of Pai to be honest and we have to leave something for next time right?

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