Aug 9, 2008

The Aljezur film festival

Plans were made for a night on the town. A friend of a friend was showing a movie so we decided to go along in support.

This began with a dopple of wine. After weeks of going teetotal (is that the word?) I was feeling it pretty quick. Then at the bars a cup (think full 250ml min) cost 1 euro. These were needed as the movie itself was 15 minutes of rubbish and cost almost a Euro a minute itself!

So not soon enough, we moved on. But the damage had been done. The wine consumed and the effects setting in.

We headed off to Rich's favourite bar and upon arrival Rich and I went to check it out. The other two (Sam and Julz) were in so state, haha. Rich and I had a beer and a quick glance around made me desire a wing man so fools could be made.

I headed out to the car to find Sam and Julz swapping saliva, a quick chuckle ensued that lasted me back to the dance floor and then for some reason known better to the cricket I squashed on the way back than to me, I found myself back at the car once more.

Julz was going to the toilet, Sam was vomiting down the side of her hired car, another chuckle was escaping from within and i soon found myself on the dance floor, Julz in hand, doing the Twist? Or was it the rhumba? Who knows!

What I do know is that we were spinning and twisting for all accounts and crashing into half the dance floor and its occupants. Some laughed and danced along with us and some tried to reduce the twists (this only seemed to result in even larger twists and swirls). And Julz kept getting me to spin her and drop her, meaning to catch her on the way down and pull her back up. Problem was, I was too drunk to pull her back up and every time she would slam into the floor, haha. She never minded though and bounced back up before I could feel the prat and we'd go through with it all again (o:


The surf is living. Everything else is waiting.

Getting smashed!

tried to surf

(fill in later)

Aug 6, 2008

The gears

Rich also helps us out with our wetties. So we now have the car but are still in need of a board, a wetsuit, the wax and so on. Thankfully, Rich knows a guy who sells wetties from his home, a mate named Casper.

So we cruise around to his place and he throws us in these spider man skins. Fully. They aren't suits like you dive in. They aren't even suits like you bobsled in. These things put licra to shame! They are our second skins. And as said, we look like Spider man when we wear them, or venom at least (o:

Very cool.

Next we needed baords. So the following day we set off to town to see what is around. There are a few boards on offer at the size we are after (7.2" or 7.4") but they cost like 450 Euro - the same price as our car!

Buying a ride

The great wall and other such accomplishments

Living with Tarzan