Sep 6, 2007

First sight of the oriental

So we arrived to an airport which was hardly that warm. Here I was expecting my skin to start melting off me the moment I stepped off the plane. Good old air con. Who ever said a dog was a man's best friend?

When we arrived we hit customs without a clue really of what we were doing. We first tried to get visas but were told kiwis didn't need one - awesome!

Signing into the country I had a very friendly Thai lady who kept asking me questions that I couldn't understand - I just smiled and nodded and hoped she wasn't asking if I had drugs! Then we grabbed our bags, shot through security (we scanned our bags but while our bags went through, heaps of people just cruised around us - very lax security) and there we were.Two newbies following in the footsteps of countless other younguns wanting to discover the world.

Out in the airport we were instantly harangued by a couple of Thai taxi guys (but being seasoned travellers (one day) we were onto their sneaky ways and so when they asked for 1000 baht, we replyed with a quick chuckle and bargained it down to 700B. Aren't we good? Then Conrad arrived and told me that downstairs taxis were like 200B! They turned out to be 450 baht (about US$13) so all good.

The taxi drivers don't follow road rules either. No indicating etc. All the rumours are true. Travelling 100km/h+ and our driver starts doing up his seatbelt while our taxi swerves over three lanes before he realises! And tuktuk' are even worse! (we have yet to go on one but they sound like fun and look terrifying!)

The taxi was freezing too. Air-conditioned to a point where a penguin could have happily sat on my lap! Freezing! And they say it's warm over here? Ha! When we arived at the guesthouse (to rooms where the air conditio was again set to Arctic levels) we just lay down on our beds fully clothed and passed out; we were beat!

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