Oct 12, 2007


Tomorrow i head in to the meditation retreat.

Felt I should write something but find i have little to say. Probably a good thing seeing as I'm about to not talk for 10 days...

Wish me luck.

Oct 11, 2007

Four months and twelve days...

I spent one day sick, the full works. Didn't want to do it by halves seeing as when was the next opportunity I was going to get to be sick in India?!

Then I spent a day recovery reading about buddhist philosophy (learning compassion). Relaxed for most of it, drank a bit and went to bed fairly early. Experience is one thing. But it's still being sick after all.

Then today I awoke to a fresh clear head, a healthy hungry feeling stomach and a body of adequate temperature.

Thank goodness for that. I really didn't want to go into the meditation retreat sick.

So i am feeling all good right now and that is how it will stay! (o;

But being sick is cheap - you can get by on like 50c a day seeing as you only need (and want) water! Maybe that's the true way to travel budget?

Oct 9, 2007

Four months and ten days...

That's how long I lasted. Then today it struck.

i awoke at around 5am to find my bodily temperature control system out of action. Fevers all the way. Bugger. Then I noticed someone was smacking my head over and over with a large mallet while systematically removing every drop of moisture from my body. I think that was actually the worst part of it all. I was delerious for water. So dry and I had no where to get some that early in the morning. But I managed to resist drinking tap water (just) and about an hour and a half later I stumbled my way to a dairy to grab some. Feeling absolutely shite.

Then i went back to my room and pooped water. Couldn't even feel it come out. Mmmm, maybe too much information there? I then tossed around on my bed for ages with constant trips to the toilet and back but i still felt awful.

My stomach was bloated, like i could push it and it felt full of gas or something and so I started jumping around my room, throwing my face into the toilet and chugging water in an attempt to throw up - thankfully, it worked!

Threw up around four times and it was heaps. My stomach must have been full! Felt so good afterwards too. Dying at the time but then lovely straight after. So I can no longer say I have gone without being sick.

We went out for dinner last night with around 9 of us and we all shared plates. i reckon it was the meat. I'm heading back to vege land quite quickly, although for now my diet consists of water and fanta and mango juice. Food is not very appealing at the mo. Only i got sick though so perhaps it was the samosas i had off the side of the street.

today i was meant to head to Punjab but i don't really want to travel ill so i'm sticking around. I have plenty of books to read and i will come back here one day so it doesn't matter if i don't see too much of India for now. Plus this spot is perfect.

on the 13th I will head into the meditation resort and will be out of contact for 10 days. We aren't allowed to leave the premises (o:

and yesterday we visted the Tibetan childrens village and I also went and spoke with some tibetan refugees that want to practice their english. What a sad story their life is. We were all reduced to tears by the end of it. Rediculous that China can continue to do this in today's age.