Dec 28, 2007

Everybodies going surfing, surfing C.O.U.C.H

Arrived at the bus stop to meet Matteo who was to be my host for the night until I left the next day around 2 for Geneva.

Using the couchsurfing site ( I'd emailed a few people living in Milan and Bergamo and asked if i could sleep the night on their couch. Not expecting many replies seeing as i was giving them a days notice and it is still the holiday period and near to christmas, I was stoked when they started to arrive.

A few dead ends at first; "Sorry, on holiday...", "Not in Bergamo right now..." and "Already have some guests..." etc had me worried but then the day before I left Matteo replied with a simple "hi Mark, ok, you can stay in my home :)" and i was away.

Eating pizza... outside some castle...

And it has turned out awesome. Met at the bus stop, toured around for a bit (Cathedral, Castle, China town, otherstuff I don't know the name of etc). It was a quick but good (cause i only have a night) tour and I even got to secure some luck for my trip by spinning around on the heel of my foot, twice, on the balls of a bull in the middle of a gallery. Go figure. And dinner was an authentic Italian pizza at a pizzeria and it was, of course, superb.

The Cathedral...

Will be back. But today I head to Geneva to meet back up with erin and spend the New Years in France's french alps.

Time for some Pizza

Caught the ferry from Fredrikstad to Tonsberg in Titanic sinking waters. Waves as high as the boat and winds whipping up a literal storm outside, had me questioning if the flight would be a go. From here it was a quick bus ride to the airport in Torp and then off to Italy, no problems at all.

Only problem was missing the bus to the ferry but Knut Erin drove me instead and this worked out well as i would otherwise have not had enough cash left to pay for it!

Flight to Italy was the usual except for flying over the Alps. And they were perhaps just the Bergamo Alps and not the big ones? Either way they were a sight to behold. One of the many things I have seen on this trip that makes you stop to stare and try to etch into your memory to draw up in drearier times. They stretched into the distance, white capped mountains, darkened valleys and another perfect blue sky with the sun lighting the tips to make the white even more briliant. I'd not even try to use similes to describe it as the thing itself was so good that I could only fall short in trying. Really was spectacular. Then as we neared Bergamo the white fell away to show the greens and browns beneath and then the city opened before our eyes as the plane swooped for a turn. Italy, the outskirts at least, are just as you'd imagine.

Then I was off to Milan to spend the night with my first couch surfing host...

Norweigan boat cat

Check out the extra digits...



Dinner with Rasmus' host family

Why do i always put title and then try and fill them in months later? Like this one from a month ago. I can't remember anything! Haha.

What I do know is that the food was divine. Being Danish originaly, the dad was a master chef. Roast duck with brown sauce (with added heart and kidney), sweet potatoes, beetroot salad thing, green stuff, it was awesome.

Family and their dog were also very cool and the home made chocolates went down a treat.

Dinner with (2nd host family)

So today we headed off for a dinner with Erin's second host family. All very nice as usual.

Roast chicken with spuds and salad was dinner, followed by sweets and home made ice cream. This is where it got interesting...

So I chomped down on my first mouthful, savouring the flavour and letting it just slowly melt on my tongue and pour down my throat. When all of a sudden, i feel my throat begin to tingle. Then to tangle and finally to tongle (oh yes, that is a word for all you doubters out there). The mum had accidentaly added baking soda instead of sugar!

Each swallow made it feel like there were pop rocksa exploding in the back of your mouth added to a slightly bitter after taste. Never mind burping!

But it was eadible and I wasn't really in a position to complain so it was "ah, don't worry. it tasts fine" all the way.

But maybe i will skip Norweigan ice cream in the future...

Dec 24, 2007


All right. Who did it? Who wants to be a funny guy? Who thinks they're clever? Put it back. Jokes over. No really, jokes over!

So while we were away skiing someone came and removed all the snow from where we are staying.

What happened to my first white Christmas!? Huh? Anyone think of that?

No, you just took the snow.

Selfish. Plain selfish.

Very immature.

Crossing the country Norweigan styles

Well if the title were true, I'd be about 3m further than when i started. 1m of travel before I fell over and then 2m of my body lying in the snow (arms outstretched (o:).

Knut Eric took us up to his cabin in the mountains to try out some cross country skiing. Instructions were "You don't need any". Brilliant.

So first we start on a hill. Yep, great idea guys. This saw me and Erin on our arses almost instantly and then to get down the hill to where there was a flat frozen lake to practice on, Erin travelled on her arse the whole way and I just went down in the gutter so that every time my skis decided to try and go fast, I could just fall over into the snow. This happened a lot. The 'Pizza' just wanted working.

We then pottered around the lake for a bit, playing on a few hills and getting to know the snow on a more intimate level. By the end we could probably do a fairly decent impersonation of a 4 year old Norweigan on skis (they start before 1!).

Then it was a drive home (I slept - you sleep heaps here as it is always dark) and then we ate (you eat heaps too as it is always dark, haha. For some reason this makes you hungry. In fact you could blame almost anything here on it always being dark).

Dec 20, 2007

Tomorrow, tomorrow, is only a day away

My first relaxing day. Or it was until the evening...

I woke up around 9 or so I reckon. Went and had my usual Norweigan breakfast of fish mackerel tomato sauce spread on toast with pickled mackerel on top and cheese to go with it underneath. A quick qulp of fish oil to ensure my daily vitamin D requirements are up to scratch and another of some yellow goo for my vitamin Q to J requirements and I was set for anything. Only we had nothing to do (o:

A good thing considering that outside is frostier than snowman and the air resembles the worst horror movie you've ever seen. Fog thicker than vegemite on a good piece of Kiwi vogels had me doubting if the outer world truly existed.

But I braved the outdoors for a quick walk around the property and met the nearby horses (sheshire ponies the size of large rats) and the bees (all happily snuggled up in their wodden holiday lodges). Also played on the frozen rivers, sliding and jumping around and generally acting like a 5 year old the first time they see snow or a puddle.

Then my sister offered to take me for a tour and so we walked down to the coast (bout 5mins) and wandered around here for a bit looking at an old wreck, more frozen puddles and the general cold sea shore. Even had a beach!

Then of course, whilst claiming I wouldn't fall through, i jumped one too many times on a 'frozen' puddle and soon found my socks feeling a little wetter than a moment before.

We then joined R in delivering some presents and pamphlets around the town (by car), went shopping (in the store called 'KIWI') and by now the sun is gone and so we head home to feed the horses (the real ones; aka big ones) and ourselves (nachos for the first time in 7 months!).

And now I am trying (once more) to update my blog...

Oh and the reason it has not been so relaxing just now is that I am trying to organise my trip from Norway to France for New Years to go boarding with my sister and making cheap actually takes effort! Right now I am going Oslo to Torp to Bergamo to Milan to Geneva to Avoriaz. Four countries, one day, 200 dollars.

Dec 19, 2007

The unofficial Oslo tour

Last night at the church service we were invited for a tour of Oslo the following day by one of the Rotary couples; Kari and Terje.

They picked us up at 10am in their mercedes (is it just me or are there a lot of nice cars over on this side of the world?) and we headed back to Oslo (I sure have been travelling a lot these past few days!). Our first stop on the tour was the famous Holmenkollen Ski Jump which is this tower that extends 60 meters above the ground that guys in sexy licra suits jump off (if i was wearing their suits, I'd jump off too!) to reach distances of over 135m! We did a simulator version of the thing and I have to say, they've got balls! (No really, you can see them when they're wearing their suits...).

We even got to climb up the tower and see where they set off from and on the way were privileged enough to meet Roger Ruud who won the championships here in 1981. He's something of a local legend I think and must be famous cause he's even mentioned in Wikipedia! Plus they filmed us and we might even end up on some doco about him, haha.

From here it was off to lunch at a nearby historical building ____ whose food was thankfully not quite so historical. In fact it was a beautifully fresh slice of marinated salmon that was served up to me along with some delishious cream of lobster soup. Brilliant spot for lunch!

Then it was time to see some real Norweigan ancestory. Now if I ask who sailed around in big ships with dragon shaped figure heads, raping and pillaging whole viallges and in general making mahem, all while looking cool in big horny helmuts, long braided hair and shields and swords to match; would you have any idea who i was on about?

Yep. Thought so. The aboriginis.

So we went to a museum where three of their ships were shown which had been excavated from around 1000 years ago. We also discovered they actually did more than just run around looking like cows and killing people. They were brilliant wood and metal workers and could run a pretty nifty farm if asked to do so too. They even discovered North America first!

Then, with darkness approaching we headed back to the islands passing by the frozen sea on the way (way cooler than it sounds) and also their house - they have an awesome house situated atop a little hill (Norweigans call them mountains) and because Terje is a carpenter by hobby, he also has an awesome little work shop where he makes hand crafted knives.

Then when we got back to Knut's, I learnt they hadn't even known Erin (I'd assumed they'd met the last time she was here) and so they'd offered to take two almost complete strangers for a tour of the city where they grew up! Now that's a nice couple of people!

Island life

Woken by a cute little four year old who climbed into bed with us, I found myself smiling at the thought of my first day in Norway.

When I eventually got up a couple of lazy hours later, it was to a world of white. Not snow but some pretty intense frost that was cm thick in places. Just like a picture postcard, the conifers were nicely frosted and the ponds happily frozen.

After a lazy morning, my sister Erin and I headed to the islands down south where we were to stay with her first host family, father Knut and wife R. We walked to the bus station (I was carrying 3 bags and so had to keep one hand out of my pockets at all times supporting one of them. So i was stuck constantly switching the bag between each hand as the fingers on the one clasping it were reaching temperatures not heard of since my Ice Age 2 DVD was left in the freezer for 2 weeks next to the leaky mince meat. Ahh, those were cold, dark days indeed).

We arrived safely in time for the usual light show common to these parts. Only nobody told the Norweigans and some idiot hit the main switch and killed the lights when it was only around 3pm! And they've been doing it ever since too! I plan on missioning it tomorrow to see if I can find who's behind this fiasco!

So cause there were no lights, we decided to go out instead. And luckily for us there was a private church service on which we were lucky enough to be invited along to. Watching my sister get dressed for it I was left noticing how the best dressed I could get was to make sure the odour emitted from my underarms wasn't life threatening and that my pant zipper was up! Then boots on and scratching the remains of lunches spilt milk off my jeans and we were set to go.

The church ceremony was held at what is arguably the oldest church in Norway (over 1000 years). Came with an old guy in a suit who could bring tears to the eyes with his singing and another guy at a piano who rivaled mozart. I even caught myself humming along to a few of the songs a couple of times (quickly put an end to this however before I emptied the whole place!) The church was also beautifully made. Simple but elegant. It was a true, authentic feeling church with little in the way of gold and statues etc. Lutheran or something I think.

We were led through a song or two, a fairy tale (little matchstick girl) and then taught a little of the history of the church and then it was time for gingerbread biscuits, doughnuts and coffee. Erin and I also posed for a snap to go in the local paper here. Ahhh, India all over again.

I left feeling happily content but also wondering if they purposely make church seats uncomfortable so that you don't fall asleep mid session..?

First taste of Norway

I was picked up from the bus station by the daughter of Erin's first host family she lived with here in Norway. They packed me off to their house (lovely family) and here I ran into the first of my family I have seen in almost seven months now!

Following the tradition all families seem to have when a new person arrives at a house, we first settled down for something to eat accompanied by my first Norweigan beer. Meat, bread and cheese were laid out first and had me thinking, "Here comes Germany all over again", when all of a sudden, my senses were affronted by something green being placed under my nose.

Crispy and succulent, with some weird red balls in its centre, some green and white spheres mixed in with and some yellow concave pieces of what could ony be described as resembling plastic off cuts, I was left wondering why this stuff looked so strangely familiar? Slowly, it dawned on me that this stuff was edible. In fact it was rather nice in small doses. Vegemite? No that wasn't it. Timetables? No, that wasn't quite right either. Oh, of course! Vege-tables! That's the one.

So eating was had and then some chatter and then some sleeping for one tired little kiwi who had had a hard day doing nothing but sitting on moving machinary - I now have much more respect and understanding for the road works people back home in NZ who always seem to be doing nothing when you pass them. It's tiring doing nothing else for ages!


I was pre-warned...

Now, you know when you're in Norway when
the walk-in fridge feels warm (no kidding after being outside)
your wrist watch says it is 3.30pm... but it's dark
the warmest room in the house is the bathroom (think heated floors!)
the sun is shining, but the icicles hanging on the bushes aren't melting!!!

And all was true.

What my sister forgot to tell me was that Norway is possibly the most expensive country ever! Seriously, it costs like $5 for a coke and $10 for a hotdog! This place is crazy expensive to me.

Otherwise it is as said. When my plane landed I stepped out onto an ice rink. Slipping and sliding my way into the terminal I mistakenly grabbed a sleeping seal thinking it was my backpack and then ran into Knut the polar bear (thought he was living in Germany?) when I tried to escape from the afore mentioned, now pissed off, seal by jumping onto a 'luggage truck'. In hindsight I should posibly have noticed the lack of lights.

So now running from both one pissed off seal and one love struck bear, I mowed my way through the sea of penguins littering the flight deck, feathers and little birds in tuxedos flying every which direction, in attempt to reach the safety of inside. By now I am also questioning whether I have landed in Norway or accidentaly ended up in Antarctica because my nose is bluer than a smurfs behind and though clean shaven when I arrived, I now sport a full beard; albiet white. Thankfully this matches my frozen eyebrows, hair, face, arms, legs, torso, groin and pretty much entire body. Even with my newly bought North Fake jacket!

But I made it inside eventually and after battling my way through some intensive security (I walked through a door) I grabbed my bag (after checking it didn't breathe), jumped on the nearest bus and headed off to find my sister.

Leaving Germany

I am leaving Germany with mixed feelings. Happy to be going to see my sister in Norway but sad to be leaving people who were already treating me like family.

Johannes and Sophia left the night before while I spent a final night with Jo's familia. Then next morning I headed off with his Aunt to catch the first of my three trains to Bremen. After a relaxed breakfast and a quick goodbye to everyone - including his grandma who gave me a jersey and a pair of hand knitted socks! - we arrived at the local train station with time to spare. Or so we thought.

After glancing at my ticket, we quickly realised we were at the wrong station (Jo had booked it and we hadn't thought about it). Mist! So back in the car, and a bit of normal 100+km/hr german schumacher style driving later, and we made it to Horn and still had 2 minutes to spare (o:

Loaded with food enough to feed the entire train, I found myself suddenly hurtling along at some ungodlike pace towards some unpronouncable town surrounded by a unruly mob of school kids set to maximum on the volume control. As I struggled to hear the place names of each city we passed, I suddenly, mercifully, found myself thrown out at the right station; only to find myself just as quickly thrown into another train that was much the same as the first. My third and final train was a bit quieter, like church quiet with me being nearly the only passenger aboard, and when I finally arrived it was a relieved smile that adorned my already wearied face.

As each train had been late, leaving me mere moments to jump from one to another, I was happy to find a city tram quietly waiting for me at platform 6 as Jo's family had said it would.

This took me to the airport and after locating the Ryan Air (think 1c flight worth) spot, I settled down to wait for my flight. Being more than 3 hours away this was quite a wait but I had food enough to entertain me for many days and a few homeless people who made for good watching (I left some food in return).

Then it was off to Oslo. Land of Santa (??), reindeer and, of course, my sister.

- And on the way was the most beautiful sunset I have ever been privileged enough to bear witness to. A sea of white cloud stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. With whirpools of grey sky peeking through on occasion, it had a texture resembling the most untouched sands of the Sahara. Breathtaking. Yet, like a cherry added to an already perfect sundae, over top of this vista rode a sun of a red rivaling the best silks of India. It lit up the entire sky with a hue that ranged from a deep blood like saffron red at its core to the most subtle of violets out towards the heavens.

Truly amazing. This time it was an awe struck smile that adorned my still weary face when I arrived at my final destination.

Dec 14, 2007

Poke the german!

So at school some guys invited me and Jo to play poker with them. A guys evening.

Now it is the next morning and I am hungover to the days. They bought about two dozen beers, some martini mix, some vodka, some sweet liquor and yet none of them seem to drink.

Three of us drank.
Two of us threw up (Jo in a mercedes!)
One of us ended up writing this.

we don't remember the game finishing
we don't remember who won - Jo was doing pretty well we think though.
we don't remember coming home
we don't remember much really

but we do remember having fun! (o;

N.B (for future reference and laughs...) When Jo threw up I'm guessing i smelt it or saw it. What ever it was I followed shortly afterwards. Only I didn't want to be sick in the car and so opened the door to climb out first; we were going 100km/hr! The driver stopped pretty quick and i was thankfully pretty slow and so i stumbled out safely enough and made it to a hedge to throw up in. i then got up to head back to the car but gravity overtook me and i fell back and straight into my recent environmental contribution! Aaargh! Did make it back in the car and home too i guess. turns out the walked us in, Jo had an hour shower (perhaps cleaning himself up?) and I walked around (rather noisely it seems) repeating over and over "Neich gut, Johannes is neicht gut!". Haha. I also later learnt i had cracked onto the only girl at the poker game (who had a boyfriend; also there) but i figure that is ok as being the only girl present, what did they expect?!

Old school

"Huh? What? Wake up? It's not even 7am yet! It's still dark outside!"

So began our day. Woken at 6:30 we were told to get up and ready for school.

Yep, you heard me right. It was a school day.

Why did we VOLUNTEER to go to school? Dunno. But we did. And it was still dark when we started! And they don't even eat lunch! Crazy!

First class was Spanish. I can't speak it and in between was of course German. I can't speak that either. So I'm not rally sure what went on but I'm sure they learnt heaps. It was something about a glass house burning down near Barcelona and someone dying in it and the blame being put on racial minorities like the gypsies. Hmmm, yeah. Exactly.

Then was Biology (after opting to skip Maths). Only there was no biology class as such as they were getting a test result back and going over the exam so I just wandered around the school a bit and then listened to music. Tough times.

Lastly (they had three 2 hour classes), we were taken to Religious Education. First half was in German (somthing about Ijob) and the second half was a meditation session. This entailed getting a blanket, lying on the floor, turning the lights off, and getting to know yourself and the ground you're touching. Or something like that - it was in german? So of course I fell asleep. I mean really. What do they expect?

And this is the smart school. Schools here in Germany are split into three classes. Smart kids, average kids and dumb kids. For real. Then there are private and public. We'd gone private. I.e no eating, music, being loud etc.

But it was an, um, experience. I'm not too cool for school but maybe a tad old. I'll stick to teaching from now on (o:


We caught a train from Jo's grand's down to Vitzeberg or something where the other half of his family live. Picked up by his aunt, we first visited his other grandma and stopped in for lunch while we were at it.


Here in Germany there are three main activites. Eating, drinking and then sleeping when you have had too much of the other two. We honestly eat ALL THE TIME! You have breakfast (usually around 10 or so cause we sleep in) and then it's time for lunch at around midday. Only here lunch is the main meal and so it is huge. And you're still full from breakfast. And then there's dessert. And no, you can't just eat less cause if they catch you not eating enough (enough means about what you'd usually feed a small battalion of soldiers), then they just keep at you until you start up again.

Then you head home and usually meet someone else who you must then eat a few biscuits with or maybe some cake to be polite and then it might as well be afternoon tea time. So you eat some more.

By the time dinner rolls around, (and, after all the snacks that have been thrown at you left right and centre), you look like you're about to deliver triplets and a horse! And beer goes with most meals so that helps in filling you up too.

Jenny Craig could not live here!

For us? It's brilliant!


Oops, I'm meant to be writing about Svenja's (Jo's cousin's) place. So here we are now living with his two cousins (16 and 18yr old girls) and his aunt and uncle. As has been the case everywhere, they treat us both like family. Of course Jo is family, but they're nice to me too (o; (wash clothes, feed us, house us, drive us, bathe us etc).

First night with Uncle Joseph was a laugh. He brought us out a beer each and then before too long we'd each had 6 and these are 0.5L suckers with over 5%. After 2 months of near soberiety, we were all, well, pretty pissed really. Didn't actually feel it but the photos and lack of remembrance of conversations had is a good indication. And Sophia (who weighs in at around 50kilos and is half our height) drank the same us! Impressive.

Food is good too. Had a 'round' sausage the other night that was the best so far. Beautiful.

But as i write this I find that Germany so far really has been about the food, drinking and sleeping. As I joked earlier.

Mmmm. Fun, but life needs a little more. Poker tonight will be good and we're doing some sightseeing tomorrow too that should be a good change. And, hopefully, we'll go out on the town tomorrow too. That's what we really need...

Dec 13, 2007

The Olds

Jo's gramps, aka Opa, is hilarious, a real ladies man and go getter who still rock climbs (he claims) and speaks "the english good". His granny, aka Oma, reminds me a lot of mine. She's exactly as a grandma should be; snow white hair, nice smile, vertically challenged, always offering freshly made baked goods, wears purple and lavender, always offering tea and pretty much dotting on you 24/7.

Otherwise life carried on much as usual. We went to the Christmas market and had Gluwein and bratwurst. Also tried Fries with mayo which tasted, surprisingly, like fries with mayo. We wanderd around a bit and even went for a run one night! In sexy running outfits too...

Johannes, Sophia and I in our modern streamlined running suits:

Jo's opa is also really arty and kept photo albums dating back to the days of Christ lined up in our room which were fun to go through.

We stayed here until the 12th I think; so three nights. Yeah, it was good. And of course, grandma's cooking is always the best. Oh the roast! First roast in literally months!

Secret ingredient!

On coming to Europe I'd heard rumours of the young Germanic people who'd be like 7 feet tall and leave me feeling like an Ompa lumpa in Willy Wonka land. Seems the stories were true. Or for some at least. There are some scarely tall young guys around!

But putting my undoubtable 'murder she wrote' detective skills to good use, I've discovered their secret. So sure of themselves, they hadn't even hidden it really! Not Germany's finest moment.

Everyone here drinks "mineral water". Note the quotation marks. So expecting some water from the bottle I find squirreled away at the back of the bench (note it isn't clearly placed at the front), I pour myself a drink. Only what comes out is not water. Oh no, they've added grow juice bubbles or something to it.

All "mineral water" (don't forget to note the quotation marks) over here is full of bubbles and tastes crazy.

Water? I don't think so. And I've seen what else they eat and drink and there's nothing else to really explain the crazy heights except it.

Yep, case closed.

Hitchin to the olds

So planning to set off around 9am, we woke up around 10 or so and probably left around midday. Not bad for us really.

After some teary goodbyes (no, not really although it was sad to leave what had been so nice a home to stay at. And it really was a home.), Jo's uncle drove us to a good spot to start off from. He also gave us some sandwiches for lunch and some water. Two things we hadn't thought of and much appreciated.

So with signs proudly on display, thumbs stuck out like we were trying to give them away and bent over to almost touching the ground for proper hitch hiker effect, we waited on our knight in shining armour (or hot girl in skimpy bikini) to come to our rescue.

1 minute later? Hey, you can dream!

5 mintues later? Um, nope.

10 mintues later? Still nope.

15 mintues later? Couple of smiles but still no luck.

20 mintues later? Some cute girls have gone past but they must not have spotted us

30 minutes later?

45 minutes later?

1 hour later!!!!!?

Aaaarrrghhh! Friggin Germans! Can't they see that we are cold (it's around 7 degrees), wet (it's raining on and off the whole time) and want a lift?

But we keep on trying and when a nice new 2007 Lexus rolls past, the thumbs go up more out of habit than hope as since when do we get picked up in nice cars? But all smiles, we put the begger look back in our puppy dog eyes and drop the bottom lip to a quiver just in case. And lo and behold he actually pulls over!

400 kms and about two and a half hours later (autobahn plus nice car = driving at 200km\hr plus at times) and we pull into Jo's grandparents house. Such a comfy lift I'd slept most of the way in seats that rival our couch back home!

Now it was time for some grandma cooking! (o:

Last day down South

With Grease blasting away in the background, it is a little hard to concentrate on what to write. But we've been stereo deprived for 6 months and I just don't have the heart to turn it off. Or even down (o:

So last night with Jo's family we went out for some more gluwein (mulled wine stuff) and then just relaxed. Played some soccer in the arvo with his cousin and friend and um, can't remember really what we did, haha. Oh, we went for a bit of a bike ride around the town. And Katrin probably taught me some more Deutsch - seriously, she was the best 4 year old teacher you could ask for! Hilarious.

Then we packed ready to head off the next day to Jo's grandparents place up near Bielefeld. This included making our customary signs. One saying where we were headed and another saying "We've got chocolate". In english. More for the novelty than the chocolate this time we figured as it's christmas and there's a lot of Choc going around.


Dec 7, 2007

Boo hoo hoo!

Me and Jo just went 'climbing' at the local gym here in Karlsruhe in Germany.
It was sadder than watching bambi.
We were awful.
I was worse.
Oh, it was pitiful.
Just pitiful.
Arms like jelly on a belly wobble machine
Legs like we were using a sewing machine
So unfit
So sad
But it has made me want to get fit again
Bye bye unhealthy
Hello fruit and vege
And the occassional beer...

Dec 6, 2007

More deutcsh

We were taken to a movie by Michael last night. American Gangster. Im Deutcsh (In German). Thankfully it was a brilliant choice, all action, little actual talking of importance and I'd say I got about 95% of it. Just the jokes are what I missed.

Then with my eyes already drooping worsed than a granny's underarms, I suddenly found myself in a bar. Why was I surprised? We were at the movies with a German after all! So far we've tried about 5 different beers and that's maybe about a cm worth of a tip of the proverbial iceberg. If I had a different beer and sausage with every meal, I think I'd get one village worth out of the way. Maybe.

And going out is twice as fun for me as people try and talk to me (like sell things in shops or offer their help etc) and it just cracks me up cause I have no idea what they're saying. It does surprise me though how many speak english.

Dec 5, 2007

Living it up, Deutcshland style

Bretzels for breakfast. Sausage for lunch. Cold dinner before bed. Ah, what a life.

Bretzels really are to die for. Soooooo good! Like sooooo good! I could eat them all day alone. With butter they rival most foods known to man.

Yesterday I had a bratwurst sausage for lunch and that was Be-You-Tee-Full too! Mine was a red one, Jo' a white one and there are literally dozens more to try. They're huge too. Like a foot long a least for the smallest I saw. Today will be a currywurst though. Same I think but with chilly powder ingrained. So not really the same at all (o:

Mmmm. I'm not going to list all the meals we've had but take it for granted they are delish and delish and delish. And meat is topping the diet again which, for a while at least, is a nice change after almost 2 months of being a vege.

And going out at night here is just like being in a movie. It is all christmas styles here at the moment with lights and trees everywhere, people skating in the park, hot mulled wine on offer all over the streets (we got ours for free) with crowds dozens thick encircling them and everyone is happy and clean! What a change to see people with make up and styled hair and nice clothes again. We're still our usual messy, hairy selves but it is nice to see others putting in a little effort, hahah.

Oh, susie and katrin are home so it's time to go and try the pavalova me and Jo prepared for lunch... (turned out great!)

Jo's familie

Just like being back home right now. Seriously.

We are staying with Jo's uncle Michael and aunty Susie and his two younger cousins; 11 yr old Chris(tian) and 4 yr old Katrin.
Super nice people. And after India it is crazily good again.
Everything is.

I don't know what is nicer. Sitting down to go to the toilet, having a shower when I'm already cleaner than I have been in months, knowing I can eat whatever, whenever without worrying about getting sick, drinking tap water again, sleeping on an actual mattress, eating meat, not having to haggle day in and day out or just simply being able to sit and relax.

This is what we needed after India. For sure.

Entering the land of sausages and beer

Flight from Delhi to London - all you can eat gallery of snacks in the back but otherwise pretty uneventful really. 4 movies each. Walked off feeling zombie like with eyes like an Israeli after visiting Goa and bags underneath them that made the customs officials question issuing us with excess luggage charges.

London to Frankfurt - Almost dead now from a lack of sleep. Sentences uncoherent. Mumbles only, leaving both parties confused with half finished sentences and made up words thrown in for good measure. Shot through the airport without hassles. No visas asked for from both sides so all good.

When we thought we were headed for customs we suddenly found ourselves out in the open, in Deutcshland, with bratwurst and currywurst sausage smells affronting our overwhelmed senses and bretzel markets lining both sides of the street. Luckily for us we had Jo's uncle and cousin on hand to whisk us away to the safety of a nearby (1hr) village where we collapsed onto a bed and slept for the next 12 days straight.

Dec 1, 2007

Yay! Neigh! Yay!

So after a fun 17hour train ride, Jo and I are back again in the lovely, clean, beautiful smelling, friendly city of Delhi. Oh what fun times are to be had! Where shall we start?

Oh no! What was I thinking?! We fly out tomorrow morning at 6am! Bugger!

Oh how sad)o; We will have to leave Delhi until next time after all.

On a brighter note though, we're off to Germany!

Yay for meat
Yay for cleanliness
Yay for set prices
Yay for beer
Yay for Jo's relatives
Yay for Germans
Yay for not being India!

Nov 30, 2007


We planned on a day in Lumbini before heading for India to do Varanassi.

So we made it to Lumbini from Pohara as planned and all was well. We were going to stay for an afternoon and then push on. But in the end we decided there was no point in rushing from place to place and not really seeing anything and so we would stay in Lumbini overnight and leave the next morning for Delhi; skipping Varanassi. Or leaving it till next time anyway.

During the day we visited all the sites and discovered a day was plenty. Monastaries and a rock (marker of buddha's birth place) can only hold so much appeal. The best thing we saw was a big tree and to top things off, there were literally two choices of food on the menu; dal baht and chow mein. Yay. There was also a stone chimney and some awesome signage...


(pic of stupa)

So next morning we set off with a french and an Irish guy we'd met, only to discover there was a 'strike' going on for all vehicles in Nepal. Huh? we were then told the roads were broken. what? all of them? Turns out the maoists had blocked all the roads for some stupid reason (we are not fans of them after the trek) and so we couldn't leave! arrrrgggghhhh! they're nothing but trouble that lot!

So we had to stay another day. Not too bad as we just relaxed and played cards in the end. There was also a prayer festival in town starting that day with Lama Rinpoche in town so we went and saw him (he's 3rd 'in charge' after the Dalai lama and Penchan Lama for Tibet) and enjoyed some tibetan foods for a change. Tibetan dough balls were great. Filling and great in fact.

Nov 21, 2007

A gem of a deal...

"Why don't lots of tourists want to speak with us?"

This is the question posed to us by two guys on a motorbike who had pulled over asking to talk to us.

"Probably because they always want to sell us something or get something out of it" was our reply." That or because we just get it so much!"

To prove not everyone in Nepal is like those "bloody shop owners", they invited us to eat dinner at their place that night. Nothing needed in return. Personally I wasn't that keen (sadly still highly skeptical about all 'free' offers) but we agreed and as Jo pointed out, it could be cool to hang with some locals for a change.

So that night we met them at a bar and they bought us a free beer. Or one for Jo anyway. I declined as I still didn't like the whole 'free' idea and wanted to keep a clear head. I'd heard about a thing called a gem scam in India and as these guys had said they were jewellers, I was a little weary.

So on the way to the car from the bar, I tried to seperate Jo to explain that I reckon we should be careful as I was worried about a scam going on. I couldn't really say anything without them overhearing and Jo had never heard of a gem scam sadly but he's not stupid and the word scam got across and instantly put him on guard too.

When we got into the car I was a little worried they would drive us somewhere and we wouldn't be able to get back. So i was watching the clock as I wasn't going to go further than 15 minutes worth (walking distance still, I figured) and I was watching carefully all the turns we made. Luckily it turned out their place was actually fairly close to our guesthouse.

So we turn up at their house and they start offering us beers and weed. Hmmm. Cool. Only why are they not drinking too? I ask them a couple of times why they don't join us and they make all sorts of stupid excuses. Then one comes out of the kitchen (we'd met two on the bike but at the house there were around 8 or so living together) and says he's drinking with us. Hmmm, yeah. Like a shot worth of beer! To me, it seemed they were so obviously trying to get us light headed.
Then we sat down to eat and that really was cool. Free is always good for a start, plus it was a good meal. Beef curry, veges and chapatti. It was good.

Meanwhile, while we've been seated and chatting, their occupation had obviously come up in conversation. How surprising. Hahhaa, ooooh. Next thing we know we're being shown rubies and being told about how we could earn thousands of Euro in just a few days; easy as. Just help them transport them to Europe.

Man, how dumb do we look?! It was such the gem deal I almost cracked up right there. But we played it cool as we were getting a free meal and I still wasn't easy with all of them around us. My money belt was tightly wrapped around my ankle and I was keeping my back to the wall - seriously. Probably a bit over the top but ya never know.

Around 11 or so maybe, we said we were pretty tired and were going to head home to bed. So we organised to meet them again the next morning and join them for a boat ride around the lake.

Moment we were outside (after declining an offer for a lift home), I felt so much better! And just laughed. Jo too. All the way home. Explained the whole deal with gem scams to Jo as well and then this time I was the one keen to join them the next day to go for a free boat ride but Jo, sensibly, suggested that maybe we shouldn't encourage them anymore and so we headed off to Annapurna early next day instead.

So as for their original question, "Why don't lots of tourists want to speak with us?" Easy! Because you're bloody con artists!

N.B Gem scam:

A network of con artsists present you with an opportunity to profit from buying discount gems from them. They try and convince you to buy gems at a discount price and bring them overseas to sell for a massive profit. That or transport gems for them, leaving a small 'donation' as insurance to stop you from running off with their jewels. Of course what you really transport is glass or some other rubbish and you'll never see your hard earned cash 'donation' again.

Motorbike mission to the moon and back

So bikes have won out and we've decided smelly, farty, spitty camels can wait. Perhaps in Israel ? Instead we are going to try and reach Everest by bike. Impossible some would say? Ha! Whatever...

Day One:

Like a re-usable battery, Jo was in charge. I was still feeling a little grotty and so had opted for the tandem bike option in case it was Giardia that I had and the"explosive diorrhea" I had read about set in. I didn't want to have to worry about dealing with a bike too if that was the case. It was a 180cc road bike we shared with plenty of omph for us we figured (just enough in reality). Jo was happy as we were also saving a few dollars and so with my legs safely wrapped round his arse (this was to become very tiring after 5 days of biking!), we set off into the sunset (or just about. It took us like 5 hours to get going! Ended up being a 3pm, '8am', start).

Our first target was Kathmandu. At 180 kms it would be a 6 hour ride we figured; averaging around 30km/hr. The roads really are this bad! And it turned out this was the case; arriving in Kath at around 9pm that night. With a car though what a joke! We passed around 100 trucks, cars and buses (for real) all stuck in this massive jam because one truck had over loaded itself at the top of a hill. Bikes are tops in these over populated countries.

When we did arrive we had panda eyes from the pollution and arses to match - purple with bruises from the hundreds of pot holes on the way. These bikes were not made for bumps and these roads were not made for vehicles!

Day Two:

We set off from Kathmandy in high spirits. A 'Germany Breakfast' in our bellies and we decided a trip to the Tibetan border would be the goal of the day. The coffee they served us was full of speed and had left me feeling a bit seedy and Jo wired like a bad Thai street lamp. So again, we set off on the one bike keen to escape the maddening rush of Kath and all its 'glories' - rubbish, cows, rubbish heaps, cows in rubbish heaps, smog, noise etc.

We cruised for around 8 hours and I swear my arse will be flat if this continues for the next 7 days! On the way we came upon a town called Tatopani. A name we recognised from the trek as meaning 'hot spring'. As can only be expected, we ended up staying the night here, our goal of the border left till the morning while we enjoyed our night time sausage fest.

Seriously. We paid 10 rupees (20c) for a 'hot pool' which turned out to be four shower heads with about 20 guys showering under them. There was more sausage hanging round than at a German Bratwurst festival! The other option was to pay 100 rupees for a room with a bath. But they were hot and we were clean for once.

Day Three:

Next morning we suprisingly opted to skip the morning shower option and head straight for the border. Then for the new day's goal of Jiri; the town where the trek to Everest sets off from. 3 minute ride to the border and a 1 minute walk took us into 'China'. Filthy communistic thieves! There wasn't even a sign saying the word Tibet! And they told us no pictures. Tell a guy not to do something...

Picture of 'China':

After being denied access past the official border post, we headed off for Jiri. Grabbing some 'air' biscuits for lunch on the way (you could actually breath through them!) we made it in time for a real lunch at around 3pm. We'd picked up a guesthouse owner on the way and so stayed at his place.

Over dinner there was talk of a trek to Everest (secretly we planned to take the bikes) but the news quickly took a turn for the worse when a proper guide (as opposed to just a nosey local) joined in and we learnt that it was at least 3 days to the nearest lookout point just to lay eyes on the prize. And bikes were a no go unless they were moon capable. Was ours? Hmmm? I wonder...

Ah well. That's life. So with our true goal stolen from us like this bracelet of Jo's I'm wearing, we decided to head back to Kath the next day and re-plan from there.

Day Four:

Seeing as we were headin back to Kath, we decided to look in on some burning dead bodies while we were at it. Ghats they call them over here. There's one in Pashupati Jo had heard about that we decided to visit. Turned out to cost $5 and there wasn't a body burning so what was the point? We ended up cruising for food instead. Plus Kath was still a mad house to drive through and getting off the road was priority one.

Ah the joys of night time. Getting ready to enjoy the next day's excitement. More bumpy road, more straddling another guy, more smog in the face and more bloody Nepalese drivers who don't know left from right, back from front or how to drive a car! Hahaha.

Day Five:

Same guesthouse as last time so another Germany breakfast and we were off. This time for Pokhara. We had decided to see if we could hand the bikes in 2 days early, grab some moneys back, and head to Lumbini (budhas birth place) instead and then on to Varanassi as well.

Bit of a long ride back but we knew what was in store for us when we arrived so that was a relief. No trying to bargain a room or argue over food prices etc.

We got back in Pokhara around 3pm and after a quick dust off of the bike and a couple of litres of siphoned fuel later (we could sell it back), we managed to return the bike and get a bit of money back too. Wow! Nice people. So we now had the time to visit a few more places. Lumbini (birth place of buddha) and Varanassi (back in India) were the plan...

Carbonated eggs...

So I woke up yesterday morning at around 6am needing to do my usual morning toilet visit. Ok, no problem.

So off i went, stumbling down the hall, wiping the sleep from my eyes, a cavernous yawn issuing from my mouth, shivering all the while in just my jocks till I reach the darkened bathroom. Flipping on the light, I squint my eyes and try to make my way in the shadows to the toilet. Such bright lights! So early in the morning! But I make it safely to the hole in the ground, step up onto the squatter, balance carefully on the slippery side tiles and get down to business. Finishing up I wash myself off with some hastily splashed cold water and a hand and then dry off with, well, you just don’t dry off really.

Another yawn later, a few more shaky sleepy steps and I’m back in bed, arse still dripping but I’m curled up in my warm duvet and ready to doze off once more until a more reasonable time to awaken (say midday) approaches.

10 minutes later and I find myself awake once more. Huh? Do I really need the toilet again? Ah well. Off I head and again go through the same routine. Must have been that all you can eat Thali I had for dinner last night!

5 minutes later and I’m back in bed. I snuggle up once more and try to quiet the mind to sleep again.

10 minutes later and, again, toilet!? Surely I didn’t eat this much? But I duly head off as when nature calls it’s best to answer quickly in these countries. You never really know what’s in store. By now my footsteps are a little more solid and I’m fairly awake and afterwards I wander back to bed thinking quietly to myself that I’ve never used a toilet so much so fast before! There’ll be nothing left of me soon at this rate.

But they say 3 times a day is good for you so it’s not so bad in one way.

Or not bad that is until the three times becomes seven. All in the space of a single hour! And it’s not like I’ve got diarrhea or anything but seven times? Surely that isn’t natural. And by now my thighs are getting shaky as squatting for so long a period is a real work out!

Eventually I get back to the room and wake Jo ready to start a new day. We’re planning on heading off from Nepal today. Maybe back to India?

Jo welcomes me with a lovely morning call of “You ok? You look like shite”. Hmmm, lovely. I was feeling a little weird though I had to admit and every time I burped I found it tasted like carbonated eggs. Unique is a nice way to describe the taste.

So putting it down to the eggs I’d had for breakfast the day before being bad, I reply that my belly is a little gas filled in feeling but that I’m ok.

As the day wears on however it feels like my stomach just keeps on filling, like a balloon being filled with air to bursting point. And to top it off a local orchestra sets up inside, practicing for their next concerto along with a guy playing drums and a local petting zoo whose animals are high on prozac! Lots of noise and movement inside.

I really should have sold tickets to the show…

Luckily (maybe), that afternoon we bump into some American guys we’d met on the circuit and when they hear about my musical stomach they tell me not to worry too much until I get the sulfurous burps.

Huh! I have those! Worry? What’s wrong with me? Is it bad? Is it terminal? Am I going to die? I knew it! I’m going to die! But I’m too young to die? Arrrrghhhhh! What to do with my last few moments?!

“Hmmm” they say. If it’s the sulfurous burps, you need medication. Otherwise it sticks around for ages (they’d both had the same feeling a few days earlier).

So calming down and learning I’m not really about to join the circus in the sky we head to the pharmacy and grab the recommended medicine. I’m definitely ready for the healing to begin – I’d missed lunch already, had a small breakfast and was quite keen to eat once more.

Walking back to the guesthouse we then bump into an English couple who also ask how we are and upon hearing of my ‘illness’ promptly diagnose me with giardia.

Interesting! Haven’t had that one before.

So now I’m two tablets into my carbonated egg tablet course and hoping giardia is not the real cause. No real problem if it is though. Try everything once they say and right now I am feeling pretty good.

We’re about to hire motorbikes again too and head for a week touring around Nepal. A mission to Everest could be on the cards…

Nov 20, 2007

Who's looking?

More space travels

In Tatopani on the trek there was a Bob Marley bar who offered 'Space Bread' for sale. All Bob Marley bars have ganja foods. Seems to go with the name. Jo and I had passed as I was pretty much over that stuff since SE Asia. I had in fact only drunk a single night since leaving even.

But when we got back from biking round Pokhara we met one of our Israeli friends from the trek who had brought some back with him. He asked if we'd join him in eating it and as he'd asked for a little one, good for two people, we thought it'd be ok between three of us. Why not?

It started slow (as usual) but turned out to be quite strong. The bread itself was delicious! Like a doughnut but nicer. Without the weed it would be a real treat. We spent the night watching Pulp fiction (I remember very little) and it was a real nice mellow night in the end. And when eating dinner (we ate a lot!), every time I looked at Jo i could see he was gone and we'd have a good laugh. Was a good trip in that it came in waves. Lucid enough to think about what you were doing, then going into the deep end and then coming out again wondering what you'd just done (o;

These Belgian girls came and sat with our group for a bit too at some stage. They tried to engage us in conversation and as said, for a moment or two we'd be able to respond and then WHAM! we were off on our own little world tour again. they must have thought us quite weird, hahaha.

Jo and I both woke up remembering saying goodbye to people but not having a clue who had left - this turned out to be a bummer as we'd said bye to some guys we'd have liked to talk to a bit more. But we'll see them again no doubt. And yeah, we both had a good night with no bad consequences.

Probably enough for another month though. I'd say longer but let's be realistic. We are going to Europe. We are going to Holland. We are going to Amsterdam. We are going to get wasted.

Motorbikes in Nepal

So Jo had been having withdrawl symptoms from motorbikes since i met him again in Delhi. Sweats at night. Bad cough. Pale complexion. Weight loss. He'd not been looking so good. So when we got back from the trek we hired bikes. It was either that or lose Jo i fear.

We hired a 150cc sport road bike (The 'Gladiator') and a 125cc cruiser (The 'Enticer').

We'd met some kiwi girls on the trek who we then ran into in Pokhara. When they heard of the plan to hire bikes they asked us if we'd let them sit on the back and they'd pay half. Yeaaah! Hence we could afford two (o: Although we ended up losing a helmut and that cost us a bit )o;

We cruised around the area seeing some sights and otherwise just cruising, swapping bikes as we went. Cruisers are awesome. Comfort plus. But the sports bikes have speed and that is fun...

I also got to use a clutch for the first time on a bike and that was all good. Can't wait to own one.

Annapurna circuit

We had come to Nepal to trek. What else is there? I mean really...

We had either Everest or the Annapurna circuit to choose from. Or some other little walks. But we were here to tackle the big boys! But which one?? World's biggest mountain or world's best views?

In the end Annapurna won out seeing as they're about to build a road through the whole thing and we reckon, turn it into a package tour destination. Sad for us but good for the locals - access to hospitals etc

Ok. So going cheap we first went and bought 6 kilos of muesli to take up, some powder milk, tea bags, coffee and instant noodles. Then a map and a guidebook to avoid a real one and we were good to go.

Day One:

We walk to the local bus station and catch a bus to Besishahar. This is where the trek begins. We grab a cheap room for a buck each, eat some samosas for tea and crash ready to begin the trek in the mornin.

Day Two:

We start a walkin. Almost get lost before we begin cause the path is hidden to buggery but we start walkin. At first the path is a road with -what the hell! - is that a tractor i'm sharing this trek with? and a truck? Oh, this is going to be fun... Thankfully the vehicles are soon left behind and the serious trek begins. Oh, nope. Still a road (o; We walk for around 5hrs (no point getting tired on the first day!) and decide to stop in the town of Bahundanda. So far all blue sky and sun. Hats and sunnies are on, t-shirts are soaked in sweat and water is being drunk like a Polish guy with beer.

We've also heard that if you offer to eat at the guesthouse you can stay for free and so today begins our "No pay" policy that lasts until the pass a week later.

Day Three:

Today we have another 5 hours or so of walking to do to reach the village of Tal. We set off and move at our usual pace (This turns out to be quite quick as we pass a lot of people and towards the end of the trek we find we leave every we meet at the start behind and so by the end we are with all new people once more).

There are amazing wateralls all along the trek route. Far more spectacular than the ones I paid to see in Vietnam! Weather also continues to be superb.

What is not superb is meeting the Maoists. Rebels some call them. Bastards is a term I prefer. We met these lovely folks just before we reached Tal. Having heard they were 5 minutes ahead of us we stopped for a think of how to deal with the situation. We'd been told they were there 10 minutes earlier but had dismissed it as a joke - the guy had been laughing after all. Then 5 mintues later we met a group of guys who had refused to pay and had had fist sized rocks hurled at them - bugger! While we thought it over (I was all for refusal) a group of Israelis came along and we decided to join up so that as a bigger group, violence might not seem so wise a move on their behalf.

Upon reaching the maoist post, we found our path blocked. They physically stood in our way and pushed us back if we tried to push our own way through - and they had sticks. Big ones. In the end the Israelis haggled with them for around an hour (I still stupidly wanted to push through) and they reduced the 'fee' from 2000 rupees to 500 ; still enough to be annoying.

We paid in the end with the israelis this 'student' price as there were girls with us and there was no real reason to be a hero. They also told us we were welcome to leave without paying but that we would run into their friends further on and be charged 4000! (This turned out not to be true and in reality we wouldn't have had to pay anything - but walking past them may not have been fun).

It seems they always work between 8am and 5pm and before and after these times they don't stop you. They actually have a schedule they stick to! They also stopped collecting two days later thankfully and may be why we came across no more. They were around on the Everest trek too and asking for similar monetary 'donations' to help their cause from these trekkers as well.

The worst part is that when we asked for an explanation of why we were paying and for what the money would be used, they had no real answers. Sad really. But for my 500 rupees I demanded a photo and we got a receipt as a souvenir too so not all was lost (o;

Day Four:

Leaving the maoists behind we pushed on for Timang. In reality we never really had goals of where we'd end the night but more just general ideas. We just kind of walked till we'd had enough.

And I think it was about here that things started to get a little nipply. By now we're sleeping with thermals and woolen hats on and I remember spending the day wrapped up in our down sleeping bags. Dinner was around the kitchen fire of the guesthouse along with the owners and their two young kids (friendly with the kids and the parents will love ya!)

Day Five:

Another lovely walk. It was also our one day of 'rain' if that's what you'd call it. It kind of drizzled but we needed no raincoat until it began to snow. This started maybe 10 minutes before we reached the guesthouse and so was no real worry. It also provided a perfect back drop the next morning with the snow capped trees and lightly dusted ground reminding me of book covers advertising christmas in Norway or something.

Day Five:

From Pisang we headed for Manang. Here we would have a day of acclimitisation, visit some of the surrounding sights like Ice Lake (again, for acclimitisation as they're 1100m above Manang) and attend a lecture on altitude sickness too.

In the end we stayed in a small viallge 20 minutes before Manang called Braga. This was much quieter, cheaper and on the whole, nicer than Manang. Some Israelis we'd met earlier (there were dozens of them on the trek that we met along the way!) had walked to Manang and back and so we avoided a pointless 40 minutes ourselves.

This turned out to be a brilliant piece of advice too. We were the only trekkers in our guesthouse the first night and the room and hotel was warm. The food was also good and it was the original bakery on the whole circuit - he made us fresh banana cake with chocolate icing for breakfast the next morning on request (o;

Day Six:

Day for acclimitising.

We headed first (after our banana cake of course) for Ice Lake. Located 1100m above Braga it is a perfect height for getting used to the altitude and the views were said to be superb. We bought ourselves a loaf of 'trekkers bread' (turned out to be like one giant bread crumb - drier than ) and some nak cheese (yaks are the males only - so avoid any cheese products offered by them!) and 3 hours later reached the lake. It was pretty crappy itself really but the views could not have gotten much better. By now the Annapurna's were in full view.

We then practically ran down the hill again, beating our shadows to the bottom (not that hard whn you think about it) and managed to also squeeze in the afternoon altitude sickness talk. This was also well worth it as i'd never really learnt much about the true symptoms or causes before - they need a talk like this for Kilimanjaro!

We were also going to look at the local caves but a landslide had blocked them off and the local Lama who blesses you for the final pass had moved on for the season as it had gotten a tad cold for him. Ah well. We ate some more cake and relaxed instead.

Day Seven:

A week already?! Time was moving fast! We were going to go for Ledar but after the talk we'd added an extra day for acclimitisation. Jo also had a bit of a cold so we didn't want to rush too much. And what was the rush? When were we going to be here again? And rush back to India? I don't think so!

Instead we made it to Yak Kharka and relaxed. Again. We did a lot of relaxing on the way (o: There really wasn't much here other wise. I think we were in bed by 5pm and after a spot of music for a change, we were dead in our beds until around 7 the next morning.

Day Eight:

Again, we had planned on pushing on to High camp maybe (around 4800m) but due to the talk we were still backing down a bit. So we made a relatively short walk to Thorung Phedi of around 3 hours.

Here we relaxed from around midday, eating cinnamon buns and saving energy ready for the climb the next day over the pass. Some of the people with us made a move up the hill to the pass and back for a little more acclimitisation but we sat happy in the dining hall, visualising the climb instead. We were about to do it the following day anyway so why ruin the surprise? (o;

Day Nine:

Up at 5am, we discovered half the camp had already left off. It was dark and cold so why the rush? The pass wasn't exactly going anywhere!

By the time we left the sun was up and apart from 3 others we were the last to depart. A quick coffee and some muesli for breakfast and we were set. I also popped a ginseng pill and a snickers and 10 minutes later (coffee too), I was flying! To be honest I never felt any effects this time. It was easier walking than on the first day in a way. Jo was going well too and we made good time up the hill to reach the top around 10am or so. Around 5415m or so.

And even here, at the top of a mountain, there was a tea house! They were everywhere on this trek. It was a totally different trekking experience to back home. Here you hike from village to village and can eat normal food at each. Admittedly, prices get up a bit but even at the last village, before you go over the pass, we were eating cake and so on for dinner!

After a few touristy photos at the summit to prove we'd made it, we began the descent. Here we suddenly found the going a lot tougher. My old man knees and hips were not loving the jarring descent down the zig zag path. Jo was fine though - must be that etxra year of life, wearing mee down, hahaha.

Oh and some of the paths were pretty dodgy too. Thin little icy walk ways where if you fell, it wouldn't be the end of the world but it would be a bloody pain in the arse to climb back up again!

So over the pass and we'd made it to Muktinath. Here we had a good celebratory meal at the Bob Marley Bar (does any country not have ones of these? It's like how Irish bars are EVERYWHERE!!!!!) and a really really good hot (actual hot) shower. Or Jo did. It seems I turned the hot water off when i had mine and so it was cold enough to freeze the balls on a brass monkey! I just assumed Jo had used up all the hot water. I then spent the night listening to everyone go on about how good the showers were, their first hot one in weeks etc etc, Yep. Rub it in guys. Rub it in. Thanks.

Day Ten:

Going from Muktinath to Kagbeni (and eventually on to Marpha) had some of the nicest parts of the entire trek for me. From Muktinath to Kagbeni is perfect. And that is using the word to its fullest.

The track is a very gradual down hill. Yes, that's right - downhill! And it was sunny and just nicely warm and there was no rush at all. There were also no people around. And we were both on a high after completing the pass and so every little thing we saw was worthy of delight. Ice particles and frozen ponds on the side of the track kept us smiling for hours.

From Kagbeni to Marpha however was a completely different story.

The landscape resembled the Nishilawa dessert lands in the second star wars movie. Chewbacka would have felt right at home here. Hot shimmering sands blown unrelentingly into our naked unprotected eyes. Or they were protected. Only my grade A, space proof, gold rimmed, diamond studded, blue blocker aviators just weren't quite up to task. It was a one step forward, blown two steps back, kind of walkin. Not fun.

To matters even better, we went off road, taking a short cut down a river bed at one stage only to get stuck on the wrong side of the river and ending up taking an extra 2 hrs to reach our destination; with wet feet I might add! But to Marpha we made it.


Day Eleven:

Marpha is the apple capital of the circuit. Perhaps even of Nepal. And its apple crumble and fresh juice speak volumes in support of this claim. Their custard, resembling more a scrambed egg or heap of melted cheese, begs otherwise. I'd suggest having the apple cake straight!

From here we headed to Kalopani, feasting on 2c apples as we went. Fresh off the trees in the adjacent paddocks, you couldn't get better!

And when we reached Kalopani, we had the added knowledge of hot springs being only one town away. And our guesthouse once more had hot showers (this time for me too) and a perfect special (not hash) Nepalese lasagne. Delish.

Day Twelve:

We set off once more with Tatopani our goal. Only today the dream was to become a reality. We made it in at around 7pm. After checking in and grabbing a quick bite to eat we headed off to the hot pools. Told they were closed (by both signage and locals) we steadfastly pushed on anyways. We got to the pools around 9pm and sure enough, they had closed for the night. But by paying a dollar instead of 50c we managed to talk the guy into opening a pool for us and so we got to enjoy a quiet night under the stars with just the six of us soaking it up. Perfect evening. Soften all the muscles tense from almost two weeks of walking and as for the feet - indescribable.

Day Thirteen:

So being the lazy buggers we are. We decide to skip Poon hill and instead finish the trek by jeep (o; We walk for maybe 3 hours and then grab a jeep for 3 dollars to take us to Beni where the trek ends. Takes about an hour I think.

In Beni we then managed to grab a spot on the roof of a bus heading to Pokhara and so our trek was over. This was also one of the best bus rides i've ever been on. Full moon. Clear sky. Ipod on. Sleeping on the roof of a bus. Brilliant.

Amazing time it was.
Nice food.
Awesome people.
Picture perfect views.
Up to the pass was a challenge well worth it.
Right to the end it was great.
No problems really.


What should I write about? What do you really want to hear? So much happens when you travel!

Like just getting to a guesthouse became a mission and a half in Pokhara. Driving in circles, two different people trying to give directions to different guesthouses, the place we choose was full but the owner kicked a guy out to let us move in... etc

Otherwise this place is pretty much a city. Looking forward to getting out into the open and away from all the people.

Heading to Nepal

So me and Jo stayed on for another night in Delhi as there was some festival on in Nepal (and India) that meant all the trains were packed out. We caught one at midday on the 1st Nov and travelled over night to Gorakphur and then got a bus to the Nepali border (Sunali) and then a bus from there to Pokhara.

The night train would have been sweet but we shared some dinner with a local lady (seemed rude to decline though it sure wasn't great) and this seemed to make her assume she had earned the right to share my sleeper bed with me on the way along with her son. Now i wouldn't usually mind but they just wouldn't sit still! And these beds are not exactly large so I was crunched up and mmmm, fun times.

The bus to the border was a bus ride but the one to Pokhara was a bit more exciting. We travelled on the roof with a local guy we'd met who was determined to make us his brothers. We've since learnt we have an entire extended family over here that we didn't even know about!

On the way in it all looked a lot like India but the closer we got to Pokhara the better it got...

Jo's back...

Title says it all (o:

We're back travelling together and on with the original plan of trekking in Nepal and then on to the great meaty nation of Europe...

Oct 30, 2007

Delhi headache!

I still hate Delhi. There's no two ways around it. this place is a big, noisy, angry mess.

i walked today to see Mahatma Ghandi's memorial but it happened to be the anniversary of when his wife was shot (or someone famous) and so it was closed. that in itself isn't bad. but the walk there was awful because it is sooo noisy and polluted. it's not that bad badness wise but i don't like it at all. there's also no street signs and a lot of people are after your money etc. but i managed to find a few nice ones and made it ok and in the end i visited a photo gallery of him which was amazing and really informative. i realise now that i knew nothing about him really at all except that he was into peace for a lifestyle. so much to him i found out.

i then visited the mahatma ghandi museum but found i was a bit ghandi'd out and so started to read ome books about healthy eating. after maybe 5 pages i suddenly dropped the book, waking myself up. so i decided to have a sleep on the lawn outside but just when i'd nodded off the security came and kicked me off. ah well. tonight then.

trains to nepal don't leave till midday tomorrow so i have organised to meet Jo at the station at 9:30pm (i didn't know then when they left and had hoped we'd shoot off that night) and then we'll stay here tonight and leave tomorrow asap.

i also joined in a demonstration about what i have no idea. they were waving red flags though and just happened to be heading my way so i joined in.

i also walked into a soccer match at a stadium without a ticket and got surrounded by army personnal - i was just curious what was behind the big wall and they were all laughing by the time i left.

i had breakfast at a restaurant and so am hoping Delhi belly won't hit again (it's already been more than the usual 7 hr safety zone).

mmm, Delhi is not for me. I look forward to Nepal.

Return ticket to hell...

I hated Delhi when i first arrived and did not really plan on returning until my flight to leave the country. but i had to meet Jo and i also had Josephine's free train ticket to try and use...

so I caught the free shuttle from the temple to the station and went to find my train to hell in a sea of swarming indians. i showed 'my' ticket to heaps of different people and then decided (after getting no where really) to jump aboard the train ( i had found out which it was at least) and wait till it moved to sort it as then i was at least on my way and they'd hardly throw me off right?

i was sitting waiting for a conductor to come when i was approached by an indian/canadian guy who asked if i could do him a favour. his ticket was waiting list only and he was number 115 and so probably wouldn't get a seat. he was wondering if i could put his gear with mine over night for safety reasons.

hahahahha, hahaha, ooooohh, amamamaahahahaha bahahah!

i explained that mine was a waiting ticket too, that is said i was a 24 year old female and that i was number 135 or something. this at least put him in a better mood when he found out i was in a much worse situation and so we spent the remainder of the trip together using his hindi and my white skin to get us through. we found us some floor space to sleep on (after being kicked out of 3 other seats) and so we settled in for a 7hr trip for me and a 30 hr for him!

wasn't too bad a sleep really considering. was in a coridoor between carriages on the floor by a toilet. we put my scarf down and his sleeping bag and huddled up for maybe 5 or 6 hours of sleep so it was fine. and for me it was a free train ride so what did i care how it went?

so on the 26th i caught a FREE taxi to the temple. then i booked in to my FREE room to stay for three FREE nights. I had FREE breakfast, FREE lunch, FREE dinner each day and visited the numerous FREE sights. i got a FREE ticket to delhi, a FREE tea on the train and i don't know, probably some other FREE stuff too along the way. all in all i have spent the last month in India spending aorund 10 000 rupees ($350) of my planned 15 000 Rupees ($500). considering that more than half of that was for the meditation course, not too shabby i think.

Team chipatti!

Day three (29th):

So this is my third day at the Golden temple and though I still think you could do it in one, it has been worth it to stay the extra two. I thought today i would have little to do but i have had a full day so far with more still to come.

this morning we went to wash some dishes again and ended up making chipattis!

seems guys can do this too. i was rolling them, frying them, sorting them (we moved around a lot for fun). the Sikhs love us for helping too. i got a 5 minute back rub from one guy just for offering to help!

we made 'team chipatti' (me, dutch couple, and a brazillian guy - aussie girl kept washing dishes) and could whip out maybe a couple of hundred an hour. there is also a machine that makes them at around 10 000 an hour but you really can taste the difference and it is much nicer when you get served the hand-made ones.

they also gave us extra tea, took us up on the roofs, back stage and all these other special treats. they are really friendly here and all want to talk with us.

and the rest of the day has been spent talking with people (foreigners). there's a brazillian here who is biking the world for 3 yrs and a lovely dutch couple (yes, i will go stay with them) and heaps of Israelis, an irish guy, the german left yesterday and the aussie and american girls left today, but more keep coming.

- i ended up spending the afternoon into the evening chucking peas (is that what it's called when you remove them from the pods?) and handing out dishes for dinner. two more jobs i had yet to try. i then took an indian guy for a tour of the temple after he asked me for some help and then had dinner, some chai, packed my bags and headed for the train.

but now it is time for some lunch i think. then tonight i go by train to Delhi, on to Agra to see the Taj thingy for a day and then back to Delhi and on to Nepal.

an american girl i met gave me the train tickets she bought to Delhi that she is no longer using and though they say they are for a female i will give it a go. worst comes to worse, i spend a day at the station.

Offering to do dishes? unheard of...

Day two (28th):

so after going to bed at around 1am we awoke at 5am to see the sunrise. which didn't happen till around 7:30am. and wasn't even that great. but we had chai and breakfast to look forward to so all good.

the day was spent washing dishes after breakfast with around a hundred other indian volunteers. fun when there are that many of you.

ok, so the kitchen is open 24 hours every day of the year. it serves free food throughout as well as chai. it is all run by volunteers who make, cook and serve the food (and clean up too). it is open to everyone. all races, all religions, all everyone. it is an amzing idea. no beggars around as they can just move in (though there were suprisingly few. maybe because food is free they can save more money?). the kitchen is a big 2 story building (one floor is serving while the other is cleaned every 15 minutes) with washing and food preparation going on around it.

after washing dishes for a couple of hours we wandered the temple again and then had lunch. somehow filled the day? probably did something i can't remember. it'll come (o: me and the aussie girl did go for a wander through the streets and to visit a park. that took us a bit.

i visited the babel temple and some other sights at some stage but i can't remember when (o:

Then at night I helped serve food in the kitchen. Very fun times. me and a dutch lady i had met offered but as a woman she was not allowed to serve to the Sikh men and so she went and made chapattis instead.

I was handing out the chipattis and half the indians i was serving too were so surprised to see a westerner serving them that they forgot to even say they wanted one (o: But it was a lot of fun. i had to move up and down the aisles, saying "Pra sha da" (means food for god) and when someone wanted one they had to put their hands together (both hands) and i would drop one or two in. i knew how it went as i had of course eaten there myself. but that doesn't stop half the community trying to help you and that is where it got a little stressful towards the end. i was getting conlicting orders from all these different sikhs and so in the end i followed a boy who must have been about 9yrs around calling him 'sir' and saying he was my boss. this went down well with everyone and of course he loved it.

it was also fun to say random english phrases and see them smile and take it anyway. i was also very strict (whilst smiling) as they had been to me (without smiling) and would wait until both hands were offered before anyone got a chipatti.

then afterwards when i sat to have dinner myself (with my 'boss'), they of course all came to offer me everything under the sun and would rummage through to find me the best of each.

all in all it was again really worth it.

The bad side of fame

So for some reason we are like movie stars or something to the sikh people in this temple. every time i sit down, stand up, cough, sneeze, pee, breathe, smile, scowl, blink, whatever! i am accossted by like a dozen locals wanting to talk with us or take "one snap please?" (a photo) of us. don't know why. i was even meditating and they still come up to you.

there seems to be a system to it too. they usually stand back a bit for around 5 minutes maybe working up some courage to say hello (and this is old men, young kids, teenagers, ladies everyone). the courage building either ends with one person coming to say hi, asking for a pic or sometimes their courage isn't enough and they run off again (sometimes they try again in a bit). or sometimes one guy will get pushed the whole way up to or into us, say a quick sorry and then run off.

mmm. but we couldn't sit without a crowd forming around us. hence the foreign only room was a blessing at times. otherwise we didn't mind spending some time talking with them (sometimes for over an hour) and if it was a son or daughter with a mum or dad, i'd be sure to throw in some loud "your english is really good!" which always got a big grin from the parent, being so proud.

Borderline party

You can visit the pakistan-india border where each night they have a celebration of sorts. it is a demonstration of border bravado really and it like a show. it happens around when they take down the flags each night and is quite an event.

they all march around yelling and high step marching (i swear the almost kick their own heads) in fancy uniforms with fans on their heads (or what looked like one). they're all huge too. they must grab you from the indian army if you're like 6 and a half feet tall and put you in it (and with a billion people they'd have a few choices).

you get popcorn to eat and sit in a grandstand to watch; quite weird. we sat (me and the german guy) on the road side though as it seemed a better view and when it all started they began with dancing. i was sitting nect to an idian girl who had been beofe and she said they never dance usually so there must have been something on. there were tv cameras and so on too. so all these indians get selected to come dance on the street with the camera on them and then one of the girls comes and grabs me to make me join in. i jump up (pulling germany with me) and dance around for all of 5 seconds before feeling like a prat and jumping down again. germany follows me 2 seconds later.

only regret in india so far. should have just gone for it (o: would have been on tv! but i felt like i was blushing worse than a tomato in a red light district (and probably was) as every person was staring at the white guy (who stood out just a bit) trying to dance to crazy indian music! mmm. next time, haha.

on the way back from the border we also stopped in at a Hindi temple. Now this was tops. You enter and are immediately surrounded by wire fencing so it is like you are in a cage. you walk around this path and then hit a cave you have to crawl through to go on. you enter an area with bells you bang and clash as loud as possible (to let god know you exist) and then you head further up, through another cave, past some crazy statues that look like drunken kindergarten students made them (but i am assured they're the official images of these gods), wade through a man made river (yes, this is a temple remember)through a room of mirrors (this whole place was like a fun park and had us searching for the house of horrors through out) and you reach a holy man who draws an orange dot on your forehead and gives you some candy coated popcorn to eat.

then you get to head down again (it's all a one way path) and do a tour of the more conservative temple area. here you get more orange on your head if you smile nicely, some food from another guy if u ask a question and then if u talk to another holy guy for 5 minutes, smiling throughout, repeating what he says but not really understanding a word of it, you get rewarded with a big lump of yellow sticky dessert stuff (i should really stop asking questions!).

top place really.

then after a quick chai (made specially, and only for us and it does get annoying being treated special when we are the ones who need it least! our chai was also accompanied by biscuits which i never otherwise saw) we headed to bed at around 1am.

Now if you're wondering why so late...

Golden days

Day one (27th): anyways, so when we woke up the next day i went with the english guy and french girl again to look around. we first had breakfast (chipatti and dal) and then headed to the temple to look inside.

we bought some sacramental food to feed the gods of the temple (about 20c) and then joined the que to get in. about 10 000 people enter the compex every hour but the line moved remarkably quickly in spite of this. 20mins to get in maybe?

at the entrance you hand over your food and they take half and give you half back. you carry this round with you and then when u leave the temple they give u a top uo so it is full again and then u get to eat it. weird huh? it was a sort of brown pudding. kind of like rice pudding but made with couscous (texture / size wise). it was sweet and nice and came wrapped in leaves.

inside the temple is an amazing work of art too design wise but sadly i don't think i truly appreciate this as it doesn't really do it for me (architecture). the roof is also made with 750kgs of pure gold! and inside there are also four holy men reading constantly from their holy scriptures to whom everyone donates money (for the temple - except me).

i just wandered around bowing to all sorts of gods, not having a clue who anyone was but figuring it's the act (not thought) that counts in this case. they have 10 guru gods i think and one main guy above the rest. after the temple we visited the museum which told of the sikh history - bloody, bloody and more bloody - before heading for lunch (chipatti, brown dal, yellow dal, some bitter pickled fruit thing and you also get water and chai if you want with meals).

not sure what else we did. the days just kind of passed us by. a lot of them was spent relaxing and talking i guess. we also visited the nearby temple and pool that night and, ah of course, we went to the border (a german guy Tim, israeli lady Segull, aussie chick Aya and myself).