Aug 22, 2008

Getting meh'd out...

S we've been here in Portugal a month almost on our big Surf holiday...

And we have surfed once. Once! To be honest, I am getting a bit over it. Will probbly ditch the whole idea soon and wait till Sth Am.

As for the wetsuit i bought? It's a keeper and will go with me to Sth Am.
As for the car i half bought? It's worth more than we paid for it so we should make profit from a sale.
As for the board... I never even managed one! Just borrowed Rich's (o:

Cool cool. Woofing is ok but wait until you are broke. It just isn't cricket. You are actually expected to work. And not get paid! What kind of break from a year holiday is that?!?

Aug 20, 2008


There were some guys from England, a group of mates of a unique calling. Termed 'alternatives' by their pairs and looked down on by the system as no hopers, they jumped aboard the newly opened benefit policies available to them at the completion of their university terms and headed off to see the world. Using this sudden easy to come by income they headed off to Portugal where it would not only last longer but would mean travelling in style. Here, with the old Peso, the Pound was strong as the BFG on spinach.

They travelled for a wee while as minstrels, living the nomadic life and taking it all pretty easily really. No worries, no pressure, no demands. They just used their benefit for the benefit of enjoyment and when it ran out, headed back to the home country for a top up. This looked like it could be their life. They had found the dream without trying.

Then while wandering in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, they came across a forested valley. Uninhabitated except for the odd woodland creature, it was a haven hidden from the world. A place to escape without havng to escape. Suddenly the travelling life, though great, seemed to have reached an end. And so they pooled their benefit money together and bought two small areas of it.

They built some huts, moved there stuff in (all 5 bags worth), and so began a decade (and now longer) of living it with nature. Located 50 or so kms from Granada, there is still access to town to grab essentials and over the years this place has grown into a big hippy commune. It has become a home at the end of many travellers travels. Kind of like a n expat travellers village. 3 more parts have been added, 2 on forestry land and one is kind of a squatters rights place now.

Everything I read about the place makes it sounds relaxing. I cannot wait to go. I won't be staying long but it will be cool to know it exists...

Making plans...

We have also biked into town twice already (and home) which is more exercise than we've been bothering with in a while too. So all god there. We've also been caving (was more of a walk in hole in the ground bout 20m deep) and swimming (in the giant bath).

Future plans include...

Biking round the mountains
Fishing (sea and in the nearby lake)


I forget the rest (o:

Oh, except we have decided fo sho to head to La Tomotina in Spain. Where 30 000 like minded idiots throw as many kilos of ripe tomatoes at each other. Wicked! Jo will also re enter the scene here having finished his spree in Norway and the famille catch up in the Deutcshland. From there we will all head to a place called 'Beneficio' (see next entry for details) and we will then head back to Lanjaron to Ann's to help out for a few days with her daughters wedding (brides maids?). Then we will hitch back to Portugal and possibly stay with Laurie for a bit.

He's the guy with the Tippi houses who surfs too. He lives way closer to the beaches (saves petrol and helps avoid the police), has other woofers working there and he surfs too so it should be much the same as at Rich's anyway. Oh, and did I mention he hs a trained chef who does all the cooking? Cause he does!
Well Rich has upt and left for England. Or for 10 days at least. That's left me and Sam (poor English I know but it sounds so much better!) in charge! Time to run amok?

Course not! We're right sensible here. We have already got on top of the local watering situation. Whacked a few cd's up in the trees to protect our precious peaches and finished off (finally!) our stoe wall (Looks awesome too I might add).

In fact, apart from the wall, most of what we do is food orientated!

The food with Rich is good but fairly routine. Eggs on toast for lunch, rice with beans for dinner, store bought kebabs which do taste delish!) and so forth. Now with us it is time to get fancy!

First night we started simple. Home made tomato pasta sauce (all ingrediants from the garden) on pasta (go figure). But it was real good aye. Then melon for dessert (present from Casper the night before). Then last night we made these carrot cakes (like fritters) that blew us away! On top of that we made a yoghurt and cucumber sauce to go on top along with a salad (fresh from the garden of course) and stuffed courgette and peppers along side. But that was just for starters. The real deal meal was dessert. Good old Uncle Tom's Steamed Pudding! And it came out a treat. And what made it even better than perfect? The home made blackberry jam we topped it with made up the day before (o:

We will definitely be having a repeat of those cakes and pudd!

Tonight is Aubergine wraps with baby potatoes and a home made mint sauce (everything mentioned is going to be home made...). Then also a blackbean tomato relish and a double batch of ginger, sultana cookies!

Meanwhile it is pancakes for breaky and meals for steals the rest of the week! (No idea what that means but it rhymes so it's there?)

Oh, and we made a Frog Fried Rice the other day. And Rich and Julz went and bought pizza! But Sam and I dived right in and frog is still a wonderful dish. And skinning a frog? So eeeasy! The skin comes off in one piece like a single unit pj outfit.

Sam took some pics so we'll try and get them up asap.