Sep 6, 2007

What to wear?!

Ok, so everyone keeps telling me about what to take travelling. Some say heaps, others say nothing at all. Awesome.

But we're hitting the heat of Asia, its beaches (short sleeves and shorts) and its customs (shirts and pants). Then the heat of India followed by the cold of Nepal and the trekking up there. Then posh as Europe. Then back to the hippy life in Southern America after a quick stint in old school north America.

Man I could take my whole warddrobe! Not to mention all the other crap that is needed. Medicines, accesories and so on.

In the end my pack weighs in at 18 kgs (I was quick to realise this included about 10kgs of useless stuff once I arrived) and along with Jo, we are walking hospitals, adventure sport stores and clothing factories (o:

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