Sep 7, 2007

Blue blue water (with a few plants)

After the sand dunes where even our toenails were sweating, we went and jumped into the nearby Lotus lake to clean off and cool down.

Moment we hit the water we got mobbed by a group of kids with a ball who raced over to play. We spent the next couple of hours throwing them into the water, going for cruises in their boat, eating the sugar cane and rambutan they provided, swimming some more, chucking the ball around and on the whole just having a great time. It was the best thing in Vietnam so far easy.

We headed off for home on a complete high. We also gave these little kids a ride home (about 8yrs old they were) or they gave us one as we let them drive and sat behind them with another kid behind us. And boy did they speed! Crazy little buggers.

But they didn't crash, unlike someone...

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