Sep 7, 2007


So me, Jo and Stu (the dutch dude we'd met in Bangkok) were walking back from Ton Sai beach on Ko phi phi one night over the track to Ranti Bay. It was pretty late like 10 pm i think and real dark. We were just cruising along and Jo pulled out his torch for us to use. i was saying how there was heaps of moon light and you hardly even needed the torch. To prove my point i ran ahead down the path and then stopped to wait for them. All to the good.

Then we all started using the light but not really that much. I was saying how there were probably lots of lizards around and Jo said "Yeah and lots of snakes too". I replied that I didn't reckon there'd be that many and that me and snakes "are like this (indicating we're real close), anyways". Not 1 minute later and i feel this WHACK! on my shoe. So i look down, get Jo to point his light down and there on the track is this coiled up snake ready to strike again. And it's real close to all 3 of us now. So we jumped back and then walked real slow down the rest of the track but only saw one more. Scary trip back though I admit and we moved real slow.

I went snake searching the next night but i only saw this little purple and yellow snake looking thing. Pity cause at the time we didn't think about photos. The one that bit me was green with brown diamonds down it's back and a head shaped just like a viper! The other one was the same but brown. And thailand has a few species of viper...

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