Dec 19, 2007


I was pre-warned...

Now, you know when you're in Norway when
the walk-in fridge feels warm (no kidding after being outside)
your wrist watch says it is 3.30pm... but it's dark
the warmest room in the house is the bathroom (think heated floors!)
the sun is shining, but the icicles hanging on the bushes aren't melting!!!

And all was true.

What my sister forgot to tell me was that Norway is possibly the most expensive country ever! Seriously, it costs like $5 for a coke and $10 for a hotdog! This place is crazy expensive to me.

Otherwise it is as said. When my plane landed I stepped out onto an ice rink. Slipping and sliding my way into the terminal I mistakenly grabbed a sleeping seal thinking it was my backpack and then ran into Knut the polar bear (thought he was living in Germany?) when I tried to escape from the afore mentioned, now pissed off, seal by jumping onto a 'luggage truck'. In hindsight I should posibly have noticed the lack of lights.

So now running from both one pissed off seal and one love struck bear, I mowed my way through the sea of penguins littering the flight deck, feathers and little birds in tuxedos flying every which direction, in attempt to reach the safety of inside. By now I am also questioning whether I have landed in Norway or accidentaly ended up in Antarctica because my nose is bluer than a smurfs behind and though clean shaven when I arrived, I now sport a full beard; albiet white. Thankfully this matches my frozen eyebrows, hair, face, arms, legs, torso, groin and pretty much entire body. Even with my newly bought North Fake jacket!

But I made it inside eventually and after battling my way through some intensive security (I walked through a door) I grabbed my bag (after checking it didn't breathe), jumped on the nearest bus and headed off to find my sister.

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