Sep 11, 2007

Vang viang (II)

So after heading down to Vientienne with the two Poles, I have ended up saying goodbye to them, leaving them to head off South while I decided to go back and try to meet up with the Aussie again who I met in Dalat, Vietnam. Eventually I want to cross into Thailand from the North and so it seems counter productive to go so far South. Pity to say bye and I needn't have come back down to Vientienne but it was a spur of the moment decision and so now tomorrow I head back to Vang viang...

So back I went and actually found the poor bugger somewhere (can't even remember to be honest, haha). And back it was for another 4 days or so of tubing, drinking and living the easy life. Each night there is also free unlimited Lau Lau whiskey and so drinking gets a little crazy most nights! Awesome people though every time met on the river.

And after being here a week I have only bought one beer in a bar not on the river and that was for an Irish girl. All the rest were bought for me or i just shared (slash cheapied) other people's buckets. There are a lot of girls in this city.

Again, after another few days Aussie decided to head South and I was to join him and maybe even see the Poles again down there. Last minute change again and I decided to stick around and wait for another friend Jeremy to arrive. He'd been trying to catch me since Cambodia so it would be awesome to finally catch up!

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