Sep 28, 2007

Ko Phangan

"Swaying coconut trees, brooding mountains, ribbons of indigo and turquoise water" - this place is everything a tropical paradise should be.

But we were here to party! It was time for the half moon party to begin!

We booked in the cheapest spot we could find at the beach closest to where the half moon party was to be held (we could walk there that way, save ourselves 50c, and buy another two 640ml beers) and then settled in to wait it out for the next night.

We spent the day collecting coconuts in preparation for the following morning as they're said to be a brilliant hangover cure. We also scouted out a bit of the beach and went for a snorkel and swim. It was a nice spot I have to say. Had some cool yellow stingray with blue spots too.

Another bonus was the local primary school located next door. This allowed us to eat our meals at the school tuk shop and save a load. The meals were tiny (designed for 5 year olds after all) but they were tasty and even if you bought five of them, it still worked out cheaper than a meal at the guesthouse.

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